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Child Support Laws in Florida | Frequently Asked Questions

child support agreement
child support agreement

Child support is an essential aspect of family law, ensuring the financial well-being of children following a divorce or separation. Understanding the child support laws in Florida is crucial for parents navigating the complexities of child support obligations. In this blog post, we will address frequently asked questions (FAQs) related to child support laws in Florida, providing clarity and guidance on key aspects of child support calculations, modifications, enforcement, and more.


How is child support calculated in Florida?

Child support in Florida is calculated using the Income Shares Model, which takes into account the incomes of both parents, the number of children, and certain expenses. The Florida Child Support Guidelines provide a formula that considers these factors to determine the amount of child support owed.


Can child support orders be modified?

Yes, child support orders can be modified in Florida if there is a substantial change in circumstances that was not anticipated at the time of the original order. Examples of substantial changes include a significant change in income, a change in the child’s needs, or a change in the parenting time arrangement.


How can I request a child support modification?

To request a child support modification, you must file a petition with the court. You will need to demonstrate the substantial change in circumstances and provide supporting documentation. It is advisable to seek the guidance of a family law attorney to navigate the modification process effectively.


What are the consequences of failing to pay child support in Florida?

Failing to pay child support in Florida can have serious consequences. The Florida Department of Revenue (DOR) can take enforcement actions, such as wage garnishment, suspension of driver’s licenses, interception of tax refunds, and even contempt of court charges. It is important to fulfill your child support obligations to avoid legal consequences.


Can child support be enforced across state lines?

Yes, child support orders can be enforced across state lines through the Uniform Interstate Family Support Act (UIFSA). This act allows for the enforcement of child support orders in different states, ensuring that child support obligations are upheld regardless of where the noncustodial parent resides.


How long does child support last in Florida?

In Florida, child support typically continues until the child reaches the age of 18. However, if the child is still in high school at 18 and is expected to graduate before turning 19, child support may be extended until graduation or the child’s 19th birthday, whichever occurs first.


Can child support be modified if the custodial parent remarries or has more children?

No, the remarriage or having more children by the custodial parent does not, by itself, provide grounds for modifying child support in Florida. Child support is determined based on the parents’ income and the needs of the child, not the custodial parent’s personal circumstances.


What should I do if I am not receiving child support payments as ordered?

If you are not receiving child support payments as ordered, you can seek enforcement through the Florida DOR. They have the authority to take various enforcement measures to collect unpaid child support, such as wage garnishment, interception of tax refunds, and property liens.


In conclusion, understanding child support laws in Florida is crucial for both custodial and noncustodial parents. This FAQ guide has provided answers to common questions related to child support calculations, modifications, enforcement, and more. However, it is important to consult with a knowledgeable family law attorney to address your specific circumstances and ensure compliance with child support laws in Florida. By adhering to child support obligations, parents can provide financial stability for their children and promote their overall well-being.