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Exploring the Role of Parenting Coordinators in Florida

Stuck in a place where undergoing divorce in Florida seems like a maze? Well, things might go even worse post-divorce if kids are involved!  

In the sunny state of Florida, the rough seas of post-divorce parenting can be as tricky as a flamingo balancing on one leg. And here’s where the Parenting Coordinator (PC) comes into the picture, functioning as a guide you never knew you needed to resolve those parental disputes, preventing your kids from suffering at the hands of divorce. 


Who Are Parenting Coordinators?

Imagine a superhero whose superpower is turning chaos into cooperation. That’s a parenting coordinator. Florida law gives these professionals the job of smoothing out the creases in co-parenting arrangements. They dive into the fray when parents are pulling their hair out over who gets the kids for Thanksgiving or whether bedtime should be at 8 PM or 9 PM.

Look at Parenting Coordinators AKA PCs as part referee, part mediator whose sole purpose is to prioritize the child’s best interest so that their well-being is not neglected amid the exes chaos post-divorce. 

What Do Parenting Coordinators Do?

Here’s their mission:

Mediation Magic: PCs work their magic by helping parents agree on how to raise their kids post-divorce. This might include deciding on schooling, health issues, and the daily ins and outs of child-rearing.

Cooling Down Conflicts: Like emotional firefighters, PCs help douse the flames of conflict, teaching parents how to communicate without the fireworks.

Legal Liaison: They don’t replace lawyers, but PCs help parents understand how the legalities mesh with day-to-day parenting, enabling them to resolve issues without needing the judge’s gavel. 

The Florida’s Fine Print: Understanding the Law

Under Florida Law, Parenting Coordinators are guided by Chapter 61.125 of the Florida Statutes. This piece of the legal puzzle ensures PCs are well-equipped to handle the heat, requiring them to be certified professionals, often with backgrounds in psychology, law, or social work. Parental Coordinators are specifically a must in divorce cases in Florida where both parents are ready to sit and decide the fate of their kids. 

Why Might You Need a Parenting Coordinator?

High Conflict, High Stress: If your family dynamics could rival a hurricane for turbulence, a PC might just be your storm shelter.

The Kids are Alright: Well, they will be. PCs help ensure that the little ones aren’t caught in the parental crossfire, making their well-being a top priority.

Save the Drama for Your Llama: Or better yet, let the PC handle it. By reducing court visits, PCs save you time, money, and maybe a few gray hairs.

How Does It All Go Down?

Court Referral or Agreement: Either the court decides you need a PC, or you and your ex agree to appoint one.

Setting the Scene: Initial meetings set the stage for what’s coming. It’s where everyone lays their cards on the table—nicely, of course.

Regular Pow-Wows: Regular meetings help keep everyone on track. Think of it as ongoing maintenance for your parenting plan.

Plan Adjustments: As kids grow and life changes, the PC helps adapt your parenting plan, ensuring it fits like a glove.

A Day in the Life of Parenting Coordinators in Florida

A typical day for a PC might involve mediating a spat over soccer practice, ironing out holiday schedules, or smoothing over a miscommunication about medical appointments. It’s all in a day’s work—ensuring peace in the parenting ranks.

So, Is a Parenting Coordinator Right for You?

If your post-divorce parenting feels a bit like wrestling alligators, a Parenting Coordinator might just be the wildlife expert you need. They’re not just problem-solvers; they’re bridge-builders and peacemakers after the stormy marital split. 

Parenting post-divorce is no picnic, but in Florida, parenting coordinators offer a lifeline. With their help, you can transform post-divorce challenges into opportunities for cooperative parenting—even when the heat’s on. So, if you’re ready to turn down the drama dial, consider bringing a PC into your co-parenting team. It might just be the best play you make!

Still Confused? Reach Out to Your Attorney!

If you are still not sure if a parenting coordinator is your best bet, then reaching out to your trusted attorney in Florida is the safest option. Amidst high-conflicting divorce, an attorney with adequate knowledge of Florida’s family law can empower you to know your rights and ensure that the Parenting Coordinators are working within their legal bounds all while representing your interest fairly. A right attorney by your side can lead you to approach parenting coordination aptly, ensuring your child’s best interests are prioritized and your parental rights are protected.

Ready to safeguard your child’s best interests? Contact Dewitt Law Firm today!