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Exploring The Tax Implications of Divorce Settlements in Florida

Dealing with the aftermath of a divorce can feel like a puzzle. One challenging aspect is understanding how your divorce settlement impacts your taxes in Florida. Don't worry—we're here to explain which parts of your divorce settlement come with tax obligations and which do not.   Alimony: A Tax-Free Gift Since 2018 Let’s dive into alimony first. The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) of 2017 brought about changes to how alimony payments are taxed. For divorces finalized after December 31, 2017, alimony payments no longer qualify as expenses for the payer or taxable income for the recipient. It's a significant shift from...

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Do You Need a Lawyer to File for Divorce in Florida?

If you're considering getting a divorce in Florida, you may be wondering whether hiring a divorce attorney to guide you through the proceedings is necessary. The straightforward answer is no, you're not obligated to have a lawyer to initiate divorce proceedings. However, it could be beneficial to have one. Let's delve into why! Understanding the Divorce Process in Florida To begin with, we need to understand the process of initiating a divorce in Florida, commonly referred to as "dissolution of marriage." Individuals seeking a divorce in the state are required to complete forms available at the local courthouse. These documents request details...

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Do Prenuptial Agreements expire in Florida?

prenuptial agreements florida

Prenuptial agreements in Florida are meant to be binding and enduring contracts between future spouses, outlining how a couple will handle financial affairs, division of assets, and responsibilities if they separate or one passes away. There's no set expiry date, however a couple can choose to add a "sunset clause." ...

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How a Divorce May Affect Your Business? Strategies for Protection!

When going through a divorce, if you own a business, you might feel like you're steering through a storm. Florida's laws add some interesting twists and turns to the process. So, how exactly does a divorce affect your business in the Sunshine State? Read below to know! It's Complicated: Understanding Florida's Equitable Distribution Law First things first, Florida operates under what's called an "equitable distribution" law when it comes to divorce as per the Florida Statutes Section 61.075. This doesn't mean everything is split 50/50. Instead, the court aims to divide assets (and liabilities) fairly and equitably. Now, where does your business...

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Easy Guide on How To Serve Divorce Papers in Florida

Going through a divorce in Florida requires a careful approach to legal procedures, starting with the serving of divorce papers. This step is important as it officially informs your spouse about the initiation of divorce proceedings or your intent to dissolve the marriage. Florida law outlines specific protocols for this process, which differ based on whether your spouse resides in-state or out-of-state. This comprehensive guide will walk you through both methods, ensuring clarity and compliance with Florida's legal requirements. In-State Service of Divorce Papers   Preparing Your Documents Before serving divorce papers, the petitioner (the spouse initiating the divorce) must file a Petition for...

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Divorce in Florida: An Easy-to-Understand Guide

Social Media Can Affect Your Divorce Case in Florida

For many, marriage is their ‘happily ever after.’ But it can turn into a nightmare real soon. When things go south, divorce might just be the best option. However, understanding the divorce process in Florida can be challenging. Are you stuck and not able to understand how to proceed with your divorce?  We've got you covered! This guide will help you to understand the process of getting a divorce in Florida. Let's start by learning the state's laws!   What are the Divorce Laws in Florida? Before filing for divorce in Florida, it's important to know the local laws: No-fault Divorce State: Florida operates under a no-fault divorce...

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