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How Domestic Violence Affects Divorce Proceedings in Florida?

Divorce can be a tough cookie to crumble, but when you mix in domestic violence, things get even more complicated. But understanding it is crucial, especially if it touches the lives of someone you know. 

What is Domestic Violence Anyway? 

Just picture a scenario where someone close to you such as a family member or partner is causing harm or making threats to cause you harm. This is what we refer to as domestic violence encompassing behaviors such as physical violence (like hitting), emotional abuse (such as name calling or manipulation), financial control (such as restricting access to money), threats, or exerting excessive control over another individual within the household.

It’s no game, and Florida law takes it very seriously, defining these actions under Florida Statutes Section 741.28. This legislation defines violence. Covers various offenses, like assault, battery, stalking, kidnapping, and more. It’s essentially a list of behaviors that are grave in the eyes of the law. 

The Invisible Backpack in Divorce Proceedings in Florida

When domestic violence enters the courtroom in a divorce case in Florida, it’s like someone showing up with a heavy backpack full of problems. It doesn’t just make the process tougher but changes the way decisions are made:

Kids’ Corner: Florida courts use their superhero goggles to look out for what’s best for any kids involved. If one parent has been harmful, the court might say, “Nope, you can’t be alone with the kids.” This could mean supervised visits—or in some cases, no visits. Keeping kids safe is the top priority; the law here revolves around ensuring the best interest of the child, even if it means restricting the violent parent from meeting the child. 

Splitting the Treasure Chest: When a couple divorces, they need to divide their treasure (also known as assets). If one spouse has been an oppressor, the court might give more treasure to the victim, especially if the violence affected the victim’s ability to work.

Pocket Money (Alimony): Sometimes, one spouse might need money support after the divorce, especially if they’ve been hurt by the other. The courts look at many things like what each person needs, what they earn, and how the domestic violence affected them. The goal? Fairness and a fresh start.

The Cost of Independence: Sometimes, the court might even make the oppressor pay for the victim’s lawyer because, well, fairness again! It helps the victim not worry about the cost of getting justice.

A Helping Hand From the Law 

Florida doesn’t just throw a rulebook at you and walk away. Nope! The law here is like a guardian angel, offering things like:

Protection Orders

In Florida, if you’re dealing with domestic violence, you have the right to seek a powerful form of legal protection called an Injunction for Protection. Picture this as a kind of shield that keeps you safe by setting strict boundaries for the aggressor. It can do things like require the abuser to move out of your home, steer clear of your workplace or school, and stop any form of communication with you. In more serious situations, the court can also order the abuser to surrender any firearms they possess, further ensuring your safety. This legal tool is designed to help you regain peace and security.

Confidentiality: The court can keep the victim’s address and other personal info under wraps to keep them safe.

Fast Track: If things are really serious, the court might speed up the divorce process in Florida to make sure everyone is safe sooner rather than later.

So, What’s the Takeaway? 

Divorce is tough, no doubt, especially when domestic violence is involved. But remember, Florida’s got your back with laws designed to protect and help everyone find their way to a happier, safer life.

If you or someone you know is facing these difficulties, keep in mind that it’s not just about weathering the storm but also about heading toward brighter days. Legal experts, counselors, and support groups are like lifeboats ready to help. Reach out, speak up, and take steps to a new beginning. After all, everyone deserves a life as sunny as a Florida beach day!

Stay Safe and Informed!

Shattering the shackles of domestic violence requires knowing your rights and getting the right help. Whether it’s legal advice, you need or just a friendly guide through the storm, don’t hesitate to reach out. Florida’s commitment to justice in the face of domestic violence ensures that you’re not walking this path alone.

Ready to break the shackles of domestic violence and start afresh? Call the Dewitt Law Firm today!
